Apparently after Catherine de Medici died, that was the end of High Heeled shoes for women in terms of fashion. Women started to wear lower heels.
Men of course liked the idea of towering above everyone else, no one more than Louis XIV. He would parade around with very tight fitting High Heeled shoes, very highly decorated. His badge of honour was a red heel, and he wouldn't allow anybody else in the French court to wear them.
Apparently Heels in the French court at Versailles were a very important status symbol and were restricted to the nobility. Wearing heels without permission would lose you your head, literally.
Many years later the right to wear heels was extended to the general population, Yay!! and the styles pretty much remained chunky until after the end of World War II.
It took two world wars for us to have the technology to be able to make a stiletto heel.
The secret of the stiletto heel was a small piece of metal (a shank) which joined the inside of the shoes sufficiently that the heel and foot of the shoe could operate separately. It could actually bend and twist. Once a shoe designer managed to work that out, then heels became more like what we see today. In the past heels were more like arch supports. They sat much closer to the middle of the foot, whereas now they could sit right at the end of the shoe.
And the rest is history....